Saturday, June 12, 2010

Moab, Day 1

I'm trying a new thing here: posting pictures of my vacation while I'm still on vacation.  Maybe then I'll be able to share more stuff than previous posts.  The pictures below are part of the handful I took last night on our first night in Moab.

The gang, just before we jumped in our cars and headed to Moab.

Main street, a closed-up shop we passed on our way to dinner.

Random shapes on buildings.

Hanging outside a shop on Main Street.

More to come...


  1. The second pict has me remembering times that I left things outside and the hot dry desert air fried it! Nothing like the sun in the west!I miss it.....augh! memories! Oh my gosh I can smell the dirt! Just lie there, don't try to talk, breathing, breathing.
